Thursday, December 3, 2009


literally the method of applying pressure to certain areas or nerves , is one of the safest, simplest and remarkably effective methods for relief from pain and other common aliments. Although using the same pressure points .

It relaxes the body, thereby reducing any constriction of blood vessels and improving circulation, which helps to break up and dissolve crystal deposits caused by an excess of uric acid, which has built up in the body and settled in the feet.During a Reflexology treatment, endorphins are released into the bloodstream, easing aches and pains, promoting a feeling of deep relaxation and balance in those treated.

Reflexology helps restore and maintain the bodies’ natural equilibrium and encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance. Reflexology has been shown to be effective for all types of problems.
Acupressure is thought to be one of the oldest healing traditions in the world, predating even acupuncture.The Chinese are credited with having discovered that pressure on specific points of the body could relieve common ailments and discomforts. As far back as 300 B.C. there is mention of acupressure in Chinese medical texts, and it came to be widely adopted as a self-help and first aid technique for lay people, as well as an important part of massage therapy for professional physicians.

Acupressure is based on the same concepts of meridians and acupoints as acupuncture, but fingertip pressure is used rather than needles. The aim is also the same, namely to balance the flow of energy within the meridians, thereby creating healthy functioning of the internal organs and preventing or curing disease.
The Practice of Acupressure

An acupressure practitioner has to learn how to locate the acupoints accurately and to determine the correct ones to use for different ailments. Gentle pressure is applied using the tips of the index or middle fingers, or the thumb, or the edge of the nail. Pressure must be even and is generally applied in the direction of flow of the meridian.
Small rotations may be used to stimulate the flow of energy within the meridian and promote circulation. Alternatively pressure may be applied using small wooden sticks with rounded ends for single acupoints or rollers for covering several points at once, say on the back. 
Treatment lasts from half a minute for small babies to several minutes for small babies to several minutes for adults. The acupoints are massaged on both sides of the body, and the procedure is repeated several times during the day.
Acupressure is safe and easy to perform and can be used as a self-help therapy as well as an adjunct to treatment by professionals. In some cases effects may be immediate, such as acupressure applied to points at the base of the nostrils that can clear a blocked nose almost instantaneously. In other cases, the results may be slower, since acupressure can be used on a daily basis to treat more chronic conditions. 
How Can Acupressure Help?
Acupressure can be used relieve common ailments such as headaches, back pain, fatigue, constipation, and on. It is also useful for prevention of illness and form aid, for example, in the case of asthma where it has been known to reduce the frequency and decrease the severity of attacks. 
Acupressure has been shown to help with the many conditions like:
•  Addictions-drug, alcohol, food, sex, etc.   • Arthritis  • Asthma  • Body and back pain • Circulatory problems
•  Depression, anxiety and other emotional and mental problems  • Fibromyalgia  • Infertility  • Migraines
•  Sciatica • Skin problems, and more...

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