Thursday, December 3, 2009

Acupressure & Arthrities

Reflexology is a treatment that applies pressure to specific points on the base of the foot. Each pressure point corresponds to an area of the body. Reflexology is used to treat illness, relieve stress, reduce pain, and even prevent illness. Arthritis is used to describe inflammation of a joint or joints. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis with osteoarthritis being the most common. There are a variety of treatments that are used depending on the severity of the arthritis. If you think you may have arthritis you should see your doctor. Joint stiffness when you wake up that seems to disappear later . Stiffness lasts more than 6 weeks . Your joint pain does not respond to aspirin, ice packs, or heat. Joints become hot, swollen, red, and painful.

Reflexology is a natural drugless therapy that creates a physiological change in the body by naturally improving circulation: reduces body tension and enhances relaxation. It also aids in the elimination of body waste and helps to restore the body functions to better health.

As mentioned there are already a number of benefits that could help people with arthritis. Using reflexology one can reduce the dependence of cortisone, which is one of the treatments for arthritis, by stimulating the reflex areas for the adrenal glands: by pressing these reflexes the body will produce natural cortisone thus helping to reduce pain. The body also produces its own natural painkillers during a reflexology treatment, known as endorphins, which is produced by the pituitary gland and can inhibit the transmission of pain through the spinal cord.It may be important to pay particular attention to the reflexes of the kidney's, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal glands, solar plexus, spine and joint reflexes to help the body in healing itself. Looking at all the treatments it can be concluded that reflexology can in a small way aid in pain relief and help with mobility, but only for short periods of time, which is why treatments should be more regular. The treatments definitely had an effect on other aspects like depression, constipation, and sleeping patterns and mostly with swelling/oedema, because of an improvement in circulation and lymph flow. Emotionally reflexology can play a part in tension relief and support of the individual, especially in cases like old age homes where the people can become very lonely.

Reflexology is also being increasingly used for treating this disease. A reflexologist uses only his hands to administer this treatment. He gently massages the strategic points of the foot, applying pressure to these areas. The process is highly individualized. Every patient requires a unique approach. The imbalances in the body are rectified through this method. An expert reflexologist usually finds tiny spots on the feet that can heal the patient. Through this method, the body is allowed to heal at its own pace. Unlike the other methods of treatment, reflexology is suitable for all age groups of patients. A regular treatment is required to maintain proper balance of the body. The best part about this unconventional mode of treatment is that it is extremely safe and entirely natural. A good practitioner of reflexology usually begins with a preliminary talk with his or her patient and then tries to find out the problematic areas by pressing parts of the hands or feet. The experience might be a little painful at times but the pain is temporary and aids in identifying the imbalances.

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